Article I: Purpose
The purpose of the Random Hall Bylaws is to provide the members of Random Hall, as defined in Article III of the Random Hall Constitution, with a means of instituting policies and procedures, creating and defining the role of committees, and putting into writing any and all substantive and permanent decisions made by the House Meeting or ExecComm not specifically mentioned in the Random Hall Constitution.
Article II: House Policies
Section 1: General
The Policies contained in this Article of the Bylaws shall be those decisions made by Random Hall that are binding upon all members of Random Hall, in accordance with Article V, Section 1 of the Random Hall Constitution.
Section 2: Shafting
No shafting shall be allowed in the Random Hall shafts.
Section 3: New Wave Music
No loud New Wave music shall be played anywhere in Random Hall.
Section 4: Quiet Hour
The quiet hour shall be between 2 and 3 AM on the day each year when daylight saving time goes into effect.
Section 5: Smoking and Fire
As per MIT policy, smoking in Random and on Random's roofdeck is banned.
Smoking in Random Hall is very dangerous and unpleasant, both for current and future residents, and is banned.
Non-smoking fires are also banned on the roofdeck. All fires must be disposed of appropriately and responsibly.
Section 6: Mailing Lists
Random Hall shall have eight floor-specific email lists, one for each floor of Random Hall, and four class specific email lists, one for freshmen, one for sophomores, one for juniors, and one for seniors and superseniors. No member of Random Hall may add themselves to any floor- or class-specific email list of which they are not supposed to be a member nor remove themself from any floor- or class-specific email list of which he/she is supposed to be a member. The President, the Secretary, and the Room Assignment Chair shall have the sole authority to alter the membership of these lists.
Section 7: The House Tax
The Random Hall House Tax shall be set at $90 per resident of Random Hall per term. This figure does include a tax levied by the Dormitory Council, set at $5 per term per resident.
Section 8: Murals
Random Hall shall allow the painting of murals, provided that they follow the following rules. Before a mural is painted, a proposal must be circulated sufficiently in advance to those residents who use the proposed location of the mural, and receive approval. Removing a mural shall require the same approval.
If a problem arises with an existing mural that cannot be resolved by the above process, the concerns should be forwarded to those residents who use the space where the mural is. If it cannot be resolved, it shall be forwarded to the Random Hall Judicial Committee for arbitration.
Article III: ExecComm Policies
Section 1: General
The Policies contained in this Article of the Bylaws shall be those decisions made by the Executive Committee of Random Hall that directly relate to the functioning of the Executive Committee, in accordance with Article VI, Section 2 of the Random Hall Constitution. The approval of ExecComm is defined as a two-thirds majority of voting members present at an ExecComm meeting.
Section 2: The Budget
Subsection A: General
The Random Hall Budget shall be established by Random Hall on a term-by-term basis as described in Article V, Section 8 of the Random Hall Constitution. The Budget shall serve as a guide for the Vice President in disbursement of funds and the Committee chairpersons in spending of funds. No individual or group may be reimbursed for the purchase of an item unless it has been included in the Random Hall Budget or approved for reimbursement through a discretionary fund. The Vice-President shall be responsible for collecting and compiling the information needed to create the Budget, including but not limited to budget requests made by Committee Chairperson(s), budget requests made by floors of Random Hall, the amount of money in Random Hall's savings accounts, and the amount of income to be received by Random Hall through the House Tax. An ExecComm budget meeting shall be called within a week before the House Budget Meeting. All members of ExecComm, as well as all Committee Chairmen, shall attend this meeting. The purpose of this meeting shall be to discuss the budget compiled by the Vice-President, with each person who requested money explaining the purpose of the request. If the budget compiled by the Vice-President includes a budget deficit, changes in the amount of money allocated for various purposes shall be made in a way that is agreeable to all interested parties to eliminate the deficit. ExecComm shall then vote on whether to accept the proposed budget as it stands. Less than 24 hours after the end of the ExecComm budget meeting, the proposed budget shall be distributed to all voting members of Random Hall. At the House Budget Meeting, the Vice-President shall briefly go over all of the items in the budget and shall ask for any discussion of or changes to those items before the House votes on whether to approve the budget.
Subsection B: Discretionary Funds
Every Random Hall Budget shall include line items for an ExecComm discretionary fund, a President's discretionary fund, and a discretionary fund for each floor.
The ExecComm discretionary fund shall act as a source of funding for requests and expenses not otherwise included in the Budget. Any individual or group requesting ExecComm discretionary funds must make the request of any member of ExecComm. That ExecComm member must inform the other members of ExecComm of the request at any time before the subsequent ExecComm meeting. The request must state both the reason for the request and the amount of money requested. The money shall be allocated from the ExecComm discresionary fund under the following conditions: at a regularly scheduled ExecComm meeting, with a simple majority of ExecComm; at an extraordinary meeting, only if four of the seven voting members of ExecComm vote to approve the allocation.
The President's discretionary fund shall serve a purpose similar to the ExecComm discretionary fund. Any person or group requesting President's discretionary funds must make the request of the President. The request must state both the reason for the request and the amount of money requested. The President shall decide whether to allocate the funds within 48 hours of the request. Upon deciding to allocate President's discretionary funds, the President must inform the other members of ExecComm of his/her decision within 24 hours.
Floor discretionary funds are a source of funding for specific types of purchases for a floor. Each floor's discretionary funds may be spent on either capital items or on community consumable items for the use of that floor. Capital items are items that are intended to last for a relatively long time, such as pots and pans, TVs, sound systems, etc. Community consumable items are items that will be used up, which the floor prefers to purchase in large quantities, and which will be available for the use of the floor. This includes baking supplies, spices, aluminum foil, etc.
Floors may petition ExecComm for the ability to spend their floor budget outside of these guidelines. A request should be include the proposed purchase and the amount proposed to be spent. ExecComm shall decide whether or not to approve the petition by majority vote. ExecComm should decide whether to approve the request based on whether the request will benefit the floor.
Each floor will decide its method for allocating floor funds (voting, discussion, etc.) at the beginning of each fall semester, and can change the method at any point.
Subsection C: The Alumni Fund
The Random Hall Alumni Fund shall be established through the MIT Alumni Association as a way for Alumni and Friends of Random Hall to donate financially to Random Hall.
Any money received by Random Hall through the Alumni Fund shall be placed into an interest-bearing account under the supervision of the VP. This money shall not be budgeted or spent by Random Hall for any purpose. However, any interest accrued from this money may be budgeted for spending by Random Hall as it would any other regular source of income.
Subsection D: Random Hall Publications
The Vice President shall be responsible for managing all of Random Hall's subscriptions to publications.
Section 3: General Election Procedure
Unless otherwise indicated in the Random Hall Constitution, the following election method will apply to all Random Hall elections.
Nominations for a position shall be open from the time of the announcement of the election for that position until the start of the election. After closing the nominations, the nominees, in the order in which they were nominated, shall be given the opportunity to introduce themselves, to describe the reasons why they wish to run for said position, and to say anything else they wish about themselves on their own behalf. These statements shall be followed by a question-and-answer period during which any member of Random Hall may ask any relevant question, subject to the approval of the chairman of the election meeting, of any or all of the nominees. The nominees shall answer in the order in which they were nominated. Upon completion of the question-and-answer period, the nominees shall leave the meeting room, and those remaining shall discuss the nominees in terms of their suitability for the position being elected. Following this discussion, a vote shall be held by show of hands, by paper ballot, or by white ballot to determine which nominee(s) shall be elected. Everything that transpires while the nominee is absent, including both discussion and the vote tallies, shall be confidential.
Section 4: ExecComm Meeting Agendas
Agendas for all ordinary ExecComm meetings shall be compiled by the President and distributed to the members of the mailing list at least 48 hours prior to the ExecComm meeting. At his/her discretion, the President may also distribute said agendas to the members of the mailing list Any changes to the agenda that occur after it is initially distributed shall be distributed as soon as the changes are made.
No substantive decision requiring a vote may be made at an ExecComm meeting on an issue not listed on the agenda for that meeting, unless said issue is of sufficient urgency in the opinion of the President that the decision cannot wait to be made until the subsequent ExecComm meeting. In the event that an issue is brought up at an ExecComm meeting that was not listed on the agenda for that meeting, that issue may be discussed, but no votes may be taken on that issue until the subsequent ExecComm meeting.
Section 5: GRT Selection
Candidates for a vacant GRT position shall be ranked by a method chosen by the Head-of-House. Ballots shall be distributed by the Head-of-House at the House Meeting during which the candidates are to be ranked. Each ballot shall list the names of the candidates in the order in which they were interviewed. Any continuing resident of Random Hall may cast a ballot, and absentee ballots cast in advance of the meeting shall be accepted at the discretion of the Head-of-House. The Head-of-House shall have veto power over any candidate they deem unsuitable for the GRT position. The continuing residents of the floor on which a GRT candidate might live also have veto power over any candidate by a majority of said residents voting in favor of vetoing the candidate.
Article IV: Committees and Other Positions
Section 1: Power and Authority
The Committees and Appointed positions named and described in this Article derive their power from Article VI, Section 6 of the Random Hall Constitution. They shall be responsible for carrying out all of the duties specified in that Article of the Random Hall Constitution as well as the specific duties mentioned in this Article of the Bylaws. As representatives of ExecComm, they shall have jurisdiction over the facilities of Random Hall as indicated in this Article, in accordance with Article VI, Section 2 of the Random Hall Constitution.
Section 2: Committee Elections and Appointments
The committees described in Section 3 of this Article of the Bylaws shall be elected positions in accordance with Article VI, section 6 of the Random Hall Constitution. The elections for these positions shall take place each spring during the spring election House Meeting described in Article VIII, Section 4 of the Random Hall Constitution.
The committees described in Section 4 of this Article of the Bylaws shall be appointed positions in accordance with Article VI, section 6 of the Random Hall Constitution. The President, based on the recommendation of the outgoing chair of a particular appointed Committee, shall nominate a voting member of Random Hall to be the new chair of that Committee subject to the approval of ExecComm at the ExecComm meeting immediately prior to the spring election House Meeting described in Article VIII, Section 4 of the Random Hall Constitution. After said ExecComm meeting, the President shall immediately inform the members of Random Hall of all nominations made. At the spring election House Meeting, the nominees shall become the official holders of the appointed positions.
At any time between the announcement of the nominees and the spring election House Meeting, any member of Random Hall may object to any nomination for any reason either verbally or in writing to any member of ExecComm, thereby invalidating the nomination. Any nomination invalidated in that manner shall then be filled in the manner of the elected Committees at the spring election House Meeting. Additionally, if no voting member of Random Hall is willing to accept a nomination to a particular appointed Committee prior to the spring election House Meeting, that position shall be filled in the manner of the elected Committees as described above.
At any point, the president may nominate a voting member of Random Hall to a committee if either: the committee currently has no voting members of Random Hall on it, or if all voting members of Random Hall on the committee approve of the nominee. The nomination is subject to approval of ExecComm at an ExecComm meeting. These nominations must be announced to Random Hall at least 72 hours before approval, and during that time, any voting member may object in the manner described above.
Section 3: Elected Committees
Subsection A: Laundry Committee
The Laundry Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Random Hall laundry machines and laundry room. The Laundry Committee shall ensure that the laundry machines remain in good repair and shall investigate all complaints from any member of Random Hall about the laundry machines. The Laundry Committee shall keep the laundry room clean and free from piles of abandoned laundry.
The Laundry Committee chairs shall be paid according to the following. During term and IAP, each chair will be paid a maximum of $10 per week, to be determined by ExecComm at least every other month. Payment must be approved by a majority vote of at least three members of ExecComm. In cases where a member of ExecComm is a chair of the Laundry Committee, he or she must abstain from the vote.
During the summer, if the Laundry Committee chairs will not be present, he or she must appoint an acting chair. The acting chair(s) will be paid a maximum of $100 for the summer. The exact amount shall be determined at the first ExecComm meeting of the following fall term and must be approved by a majority vote of at least three members of ExecComm. In cases where the acting chair is a member of ExecComm, he or she must abstain from the vote.
Subsection B: Social Committee
The Social Committee shall be responsible for the planning, publicity, and execution of all Random Hall social events. The Social Committee shall submit a detailed financial report after every Random Hall social event to the VP. The Social Committee Chairman shall be the representative to the Dormitory Council as regards the social activities of Random Hall.
Subsection C: Soda Committee
The Soda Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Random Hall soda fridge, ensuring that the soda fridge remain stocked at all times based on the requests of any member of Random Hall and its judgment. The Soda Committee shall regularly enforce the collection of all tab money and shall have the option to set and enforce an upper limit on the amount of tab money any one member of Random Hall may have at any given time. The Soda Committee shall keep and maintain detailed records of the cash flow of soda fridge.
There shall be no more than two Soda chairpersons at any given time.
Section 4: Appointed Committees
Subsection A: Athletic Committee
The Athletic Committee shall plan, publicize, and execute all Random Hall athletic events. The Athletic Committee Chairperson shall enter teams in all intramural sports in which sufficient interest is present among the members of Random Hall. They shall have the responsibility for and jurisdiction over all athletic equipment of Random Hall. The Athletic Committee Chairperson shall be the representative to the Intramural Council for Random Hall.
Subsection B: Computer Committee
The Computer Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the computer facilities of Random Hall not under the jurisdiction of MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T), including but not limited to any non-IS&T printers, the copy machine, the bathroom server, the laundry server, and public computers and workstations. The Computer Committee shall also be responsible for any equipment owned by IS&T or Housing but operated by Random Hall, such as the Random Laptops and the image server. The Computer Committee shall work in conjunction with any Residential Computing Consultants (RCCs) to provide computer help to the residents of Random Hall and to investigate and address network security issues and break-ins. The Computer Chairman, along with the RCC, shall act as Random Hall's point-of-contact with MIT IS&T.
Subsection C: Earth, Wind, and Fire Committee
The Earth, Wind, and Fire Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the Random Hall vacuum cleaners and for purchasing supplies for the vacuums such as filters and bags. Additionally, the Earth, Wind, and Fire Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the the roofdeck grill. The Earth, Wind, and Fire Committee shall turn off the water to the roofdeck garden hose in the fall and turn it back on in the spring.
Subsection D: Electrical Engineering Lab Committee
The Electrical Engineering Lab Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Random Hall electrical engineering (EE) lab. The EE Lab Committee shall ensure that the equipment in the EE lab is useful and functional and shall arrange for the procurement of any items it deems appropriate for the EE lab. The EE Lab Committee shall provide assistance and training in the use of the EE lab to any member of Random Hall and shall ensure that the EE lab provides a favorable working environment for any member of Random Hall to work on electronic projects. The EE Lab Committee shall ensure that the cruft database reflects the contents of the EE lab as accurately as it deems necessary.
Subsection E: Games Committee
The Games Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the board games, card games, and other games of similar type owned by Random Hall, including the replacement of any game pieces that might be missing from any game. The Games Committee shall arrange for the procurement of new games as requested by any member of Random Hall, subject to the Committee's own judgment.
Subsection F: Hair Dye Committee
The Hair Dye Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Random Hall hair dying supplies collection. The Hair Dye Committee shall arrange for the procurement of new hair dye based on requests made by members of Random Hall and the Committee's judgement.
Subsection G: History Committee
The History Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and collection of Random Hall historical records and artifacts. The History Committee shall ensure that the records remain accessible to all members of Random Hall and shall ensure that all information remains current and updated.
Subsection H: Pet Committee
The Pet Committee shall be responsible for the supervision of all officially approved cats in Random Hall, as described by the Pet Chair Responsibilities issued by the Dormitory Council. The Pet Committee shall inform all approved cat owners of their responsibilities as described in the Cat Policy issued by the Dormitory Council and/or the MIT Housing Office. The Pet Committee shall keep all records with regard to the official cats residing in Random Hall. The Pet Chairman shall represent Random Hall to the Dormitory Council and the Housing Office on matters pertaining to the official cats residing in Random Hall. There are two cat-friendly floors: Loop and Black Hole. In order for a floor to become cat friendly, the floor residents should reference the pet policy issued by the Dormitory Council. Each cat-friendly floor shall have a maximum of three cats, unrestricted to floor sides.
Subsection I: Piano Committee
The Piano Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Random Hall piano, the piano bench, and the piano lighting. The Piano Committee shall ensure that the piano gets professionally tuned twice per calendar year. The Piano Committee shall keep the piano sheet music organized and shall arrange for the procurement of new sheet music and other piano- and music-related items based on any requests made by any member of Random Hall, subject to the Committee's own judgment.
Subsection J: Projector Committee
The Projector Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Alice in Wonderland Theater (AiW) and all Random Hall audio-video (A/V) equipment, including but not limited to the projector and screen, the electronics held in the projector rack, the AiW speaker system, the VCR and DVD player at Desk, and the MythTV. The Projector Committee shall instruct any member of Random Hall in the use of the A/V equipment upon request.
Subsection K: Quiche Cabal Committee
The Quiche Cabal Committee shall be responsible for organizing Quiche Cabals on a monthly basis. Each month the Quiche Cabal Committee shall invite an MIT faculty, staff, administration, or community member to have dinner at Random at a mutually convenient time with interested residents. The Quiche Cabal Committee shall solicit volunteers to cook and shall ensure that a sufficient amount and variety of food will be available.
Subsection L: Sewing Committee
The Sewing Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Random Hall sewing machine. The Sewing Committee shall keep the contents of the sewing kit organized and shall keep it supplied with basic sewing supplies, including needles, black and white thread, and bobbins. The Sewing Committee shall keep the sewing machine check-out list at Desk updated and shall ensure that members of Random Hall on said list have been trained in the use of the sewing machine.
Subsection M: Shop Committee
The Shop Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Random Hall shop, including all equipment contained therein, and shall keep the shop supplied with the hardware necessary for any small wood project. The Shop Committee shall train all users of the shop in the correct and safe operation of all of the equipment in the shop and shall be available to answer any questions any member of Random Hall may have about the use of said equipment. The Shop Committee shall keep the shop key check-out list at Desk updated and shall ensure that all keys to the shop are accounted for at all times.
Subsection N: Trunk Room Committee
The Trunk Room Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Random Hall trunk room, including the full cleaning out of the trunk room at least once per academic year at the end of the spring term before Finals Week and a quick clean-up of the trunk room at the end of the summer to prepare it for the arrival of new residents. The Trunk Room Committee shall inform former residents of Random Hall of any items discovered during the cleaning of the trunk room that they may have left there so that they may retrieve said items, and shall arrange for the disposal of any items not retrieved by former residents at least three month after requesting the removal of said items. The Trunk Room Committee shall set and enforce an upper limit on the amount of space any one resident of Random Hall shall be allowed to fill in the trunk room. The Trunk Room Committee shall ensure that all keys to the trunk room are accounted for at all times. The Trunk Room Committee shall also supervise the bicycle room. Each resident of Random Hall shall be allowed to store one bicycle in the bicycle room, and nonresidents shall not be allowed to store bikes there.
Subsection O: Video Committee
The Video Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Random Hall movie collection. The Video Committee shall arrange for the procurement of new movies based on requests made by members of Random Hall and the Committee's judgment. The Video Committee shall update and maintain both the paper and online versions of the Random Hall movie collection database.
Subsection P: Website Committee
The Website Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Random Hall website. The Website Committee shall ensure that the website remains accessible to all members of Random Hall and shall ensure that all information on the website remain current and updated. The Website Committee shall implement any major changes to the website the Committee feels would make the website more functional or informative, subject to the approval of ExecComm.
Subsection Q: Weight Room Committee
The Weight Room Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and supervision of the Random Hall weight room. The Weight Room Committee shall keep the members of Random Hall informed of any procedures essential to the correct and safe use of the weight room equipment. The Weight Room Committee shall arrange for the purchase of additional weight room equipment based on any requests made by any member of Random Hall, subject to the Committee's judgment.
Subsection R: Starving Artist
The Starving Artist shall be responsible for the maintenance, upkeep and restocking of the Random Hall crafts closet, located in the lounge-side closet on BMF, hereafter called “The Tardis”. The Starving Artist shall arrange the purchase of any art and/or crafts supplies for The Tardis as they deem appropriate, or based on any requests made by any member of Random Hall.
Section 5: Other Positions
Subsection A: Room Assignment Chair
The Room Assignment Chair (RAC) shall be responsible for assigning housing in Random Hall in accordance with the Room Assignment Guidelines described in Article V of the Random Hall Bylaws. This position derives its power from Article VI, Section 2 of the Random Hall Constitution. The RAC shall also be responsible for assisting the President in updating official dorm mailing lists at the beginning of each term. They shall serve as the representative of Random Hall on the Room Assignment Committee of the Dormitory Council. They shall represent Random Hall to the Housing Office on matters pertaining to room assignments in Random Hall. The RAC shall be an appointed position in accordance with Article VI, section 6 of the Random Hall Constitution. The President, based on the recommendation of the outgoing RAC, shall appoint a voting member of Random Hall to this position, subject to the approval of ExecComm at the ExecComm meeting following the appointment. All voting members of Random Hall will then have one week to object to the nomination to any member of ExecComm. If no one objects, the RAC will take office one week after ExecComm approves the nomination. If anyone objects, the RAC will be elected at a House Meeting called within fourteen days. The RAC may not simultaneously hold the position of President, VP, Secretary, or JudComm Chairman. The duration of this position shall be for as long as the current holder of the position desires or until the current holder is removed by a majority vote of ExecComm.
Subsection B: Rush Committee
The Rush Committee shall be responsible for running a comprehensive program acquainting freshmen with Random Hall during both Campus Preview Weekend (CPW) and any time during Orientation set aside for Residence Selection. The Rush Committee, along with the President, shall be responsible for the article about Random Hall in the Guide to First Year Residences. The Rush Committee shall be the Random Hall representative to the Dormitory Council regarding Random Hall Rush activities. The Rush Committee shall be an elected position in accordance with Article VI, section 6 of the Random Hall Constitution. The position shall be elected each December at a House Meeting. The holders of this position may be removed in the manner of the Committee chairpersons, as described in Article IX, Section 3 of the Random Hall Constitution.
Subsection C: i3 Chair
The i3 Chair shall be responsible for all aspects of the production of the Random Hall Interactive Introduction to the Institute (i3) video, including filming and editing, and all associated i3 materials, including the Random Hall Rush website. They shall serve as the representative of Random Hall on the i3 Committee of the Dormitory Council on matters pertaining to i3. The i3 Chair shall be an elected position in accordance with Article VI, section 6 of the Random Hall Constitution. The position shall be appointed each September at the fall elections House Meeting. The holder of this position may be removed in the manner of the chairpersons, as described in Article IX, Section 3 of the Random Hall Constitution.
Article V: Room Assignment Guidelines
Floors and Rooms
The floors in Random Hall are:
- Destiny, first floor of the 282 side;
- Loop, second floor of the 282 side;
- Clam, third floor of the 282 side;
- Bonfire, fourth floor of the 282 side;
- Foo, first floor of the 290 side;
- Black Hole, second floor of the 290 side;
- BMF, third floor of the 290 side;
- Pecker, fourth floor of the 290 side.
Single-Gender, and Coed Floors
Throughout Article V of the Random Hall Bylaws “gender” refers to a resident’s self-identified gender identity.
Each floor may be single-gender, or coed. Only residents of a specified gender identity may live on single-gender floors. Any resident may live on a coed floor.
The current status of each floor is: Destiny: single-gender (male); Loop: single-gender (female); Clam: coed; Bonfire: coed; Foo: coed; Black Hole: coed; BMF: single-gender (female); Pecker: coed.
A floor may change its status if strictly greater than 2/3 of all current undergraduate floor residents vote to do so, at any time at least one year since the floor’s last change in status. A floor may not change to a status that is not satisfied by at least 2/3 of its current undergraduate population. After a floor changes its status, the change takes effect the next time a resident moves onto that floor. The floor’s new status will apply only to residents moving onto the floor subsequent to the change in status. Current residents of a floor may continue to live in their current rooms or move to different rooms on the same floor even if they do not satisfy the floor’s new status, so long as they have not moved to a different floor in Random Hall in the meantime.
The RAC will ensure that the gender constraints of each floor are maintained, subject to the rules of the MIT Housing Office.
Room Types
Rooms with a room number ending in 1 (“1-rooms”), 3 (“3-rooms”), or 4 (“4-rooms”) are singles. Rooms with a room number ending in 2 (“2-rooms”) are doubles, except for room 112 which is considered a divided double. A room with a room number ending in 5 (“5-room” or “large half”) and the attached room with number ending in 5s (“5s-room” or “small half”) comprise a divided double. Room 112 is a divided double comprised of 112 (the “large half”) and 112s (the “small half”).
Subject to the constraints of the floor it lies on, a divided double may be occupied by any two residents with no additional constraints on gender. Subject to the constraints of the floor it lies on, a 2-room may be occupied by two residents of different gender (i.e., a 2-room may be a “co-ed double”) only if one resident has been pulled into the room by the other (c.f. §4.2). Otherwise, a 2-room may only be occupied by two residents of the same gender.
Room Assignments
The RAC is in charge of room assignments for all undergraduate residents of Random Hall. The RAC will maintain a list of current room assignments accessible to all Random Hall residents. Room assignments must be approved by the MIT Housing Office, and the MIT Housing Office has the right to change room assignments at its discretion.
Whenever a room is vacated or is expected to be vacated at the end of the current semester, or when a new resident is assigned to Random Hall, the RAC will initiate a period of room switching during which room assignments will be adjusted according to the procedures set forth in §§3-6. At the beginning of each Fall semester, room assignments for freshmen will be made according to the procedures set forth in §7. Room assignments may also change at other times under certain circumstances (c.f. §8).
A “period of room switching” is defined as any contiguous period of time during which residents may submit preferences to move into one or many vacant or imminently vacant rooms.
The RAC has final authority in making any and all decisions with regards to room assignments in Random Hall. Any decision made by the RAC may be appealed to the Random Hall Judicial Committee for arbitration.
Priority List
The RAC will maintain a list of all Random Hall residents in order of priority (the “priority list”), accessible to all Random Hall residents. Any moves between rooms in Random Hall will be resolved in order of decreasing priority (i.e. if more than one resident wishes to move into a vacant or imminently vacant room, the resident with the highest priority gets it), except in the case of pull-ins (c.f. §4.2) or moving from one half of a divided double to the other (c.f. §4.3).
The priority list is divided into contiguous sublists according to class year. Older classes have higher priority than younger classes. Class year for these purposes is determined by the year in which a resident first enrolled in MIT as an undergraduate, subject to RAC discretion in cases where the resident is visiting or transferring from another institution, or is returning to MIT from a leave of absence.
Using priority
A resident will “use priority” whenever they move into a new room, except in the following cases: an upperclassman (i.e., non-freshman) moves into a double (i.e. 2-rooms except for 112), or a freshman moves into a double after the initial freshman room selection process (§7.2); the move is part of a room swap (c.f. §8); or the move is part of an emergency move (c.f. §9). A resident who moves from one half of a divided double to the other half uses priority (c.f. §4.3). At the end of each period of room switching, the RAC will adjust the priority list by removing all residents who have used their priority during that period of room switching and re-adding them to the end of their respective class year sublists in reverse order of their original priority.
A resident who moves from one half of a divided double to the other half uses priority (c.f. §4.3).
At the end of each period of room switching, the RAC will adjust the priority list by removing all residents who have used their priority during that period of room switching and re-adding them to the end of their respective class year sublists in reverse order of their original priority.
Priority for newly-assigned residents
When a new resident is assigned to Random Hall, any currently active period of room switching (including priority adjustments as per §3.2) will first be resolved for current residents. Afterwards, any newly assigned residents in need of a room assignment will be added to the end of their class year’s priority list (in random order within each class year). There will then be a separate period of room switching during which the new residents will choose their rooms. Once the new residents have chosen rooms, their priorities will be adjusted as per §3.2.
Squatting and Pull-ins
Any upperclassman resident of Random who has moved into their assigned room has the right to “squat”, i.e., to keep their current room assignment during any period of room switching. A freshman resident has the right to squat after they have moved into their assigned room following the freshman room selection process (c.f. §7.2). A freshman does not have the right to squat in their temporary room (§7.1).
Under certain emergency circumstances (c.f. §9), and as required by the MIT Housing Office, a resident may be required to change rooms despite his/her right to squat.
Pull-ins to doubles and divided doubles
A resident who is assigned to a double or divided double following a period of room switching may “pull in” another resident as their roommate whenever the other spot in that room is available. The resident being pulled in must agree to be pulled in. A resident who is pulled into a room will get the spot regardless of priority. A resident who moves due to a pull-in still uses priority unless the move satisfies one of the exceptions listed in §3.2. Subject to the the floor’s gender constraints, a resident of a 2-room may pull in a resident of the another gender. Subject to the the floor’s gender constraints, a resident of either half of a divided double (large or small) may pull any other resident into the other half of the same divided double with no additional constraints on gender.
Moving between halves of a divided double
Whenever one half of a divided double becomes available, the resident of the other half has the right to move to the vacated half before it is made available to other residents (even those with higher priority). A resident who moves from one half of a divided double to the other uses priority.
Room Reassignments Between Semesters
End of Fall term
There will be a period of room switching near the end of each Spring semester. The RAC will email out a list of residents expected to return to Random Hall for the next school year. Using an online or paper form, each returning resident will indicate whether they wish to squat in their current room assignment or whether they wish to move to a different room for the next school year. A resident wishing to move to a different room will list the rooms they would like to move to, in order of preference, ending with his/her current room. For each double or divided double that a resident expresses a preference for (or is squatting in), the resident may also provide a list of other residents he/she would like to pull in (in order of preference) should he/she be placed in that room. Residents may also express other preferences that may or may not be honored by the RAC.
The residents who will be moving as a result of the room switches will move during IAP, as directed by the MIT Housing Office. The MIT Housing Office may require residents who are moving out of Random Hall at the end of IAP to move to a temporary room during IAP.
End of Spring term
There will be a period of room switching near the end of each Spring semester. The RAC will email out a list of residents expected to return to Random Hall for the next school year. Using an online or paper form, each returning resident will indicate whether they wish to squat in their current room assignment or whether they wish to move to a different room for the next school year. A resident wishing to move to a different room will list the rooms he/she would like to move to, in order of preference, ending with his/her current room. For each double or divided double that a resident expresses a preference for (or is squatting in), the resident may also provide a list of other residents he/she would like to pull in (in order of preference) should he/she be placed in that room. Residents may also express other preferences that may or may not be honored by the RAC.
Conditional requests of the following forms will be honored whenever possible: “This room is my n-th preference only if I can pull in person A (or person B, or person C, etc.) as my roommate. If not, then this room is my m-th preference.” “This room is my n-th preference only if I can be pulled in by person A (or person B, or person C, etc.). If not, then this room is my m-th preference.” “This room is my n-th preference only if my roommate is person A (or person B, or person C, etc.). If not, then this room is my m-th preference.”
Requests of the following form will be honored whenever possible if the Random Hall Judicial Committee deems it necessary due to a dispute between the residents involved: “I do not want to live in the same room as person A.” “I do not want to live on the same floor as person A.”
Any other requests conditional on any other resident’s housing preferences will be ignored.
The RAC will ensure that all returning residents (including those who wish to squat) submit a completed preference form by the specified deadline.
Residents who have applied for 9th or 10th term housing for the following Fall semester will also complete a preference form. The RAC will resolve the preferences of such residents as if they were returning to Random Hall in the Fall. (However, as required by the MIT Housing Office, they will not officially be given room assignments for the Fall semester.) If the residents are subsequently denied 9th or 10th term housing, adjustments to the other residents’ room assignments will be made during the summer when this becomes apparent (c.f. §6.3).
The RAC will first assign all residents who choose to squat to their current rooms. If any residents have listed the rooms being squatted in among their preferences, those preferences will be removed from consideration. If any residents have only their current room remaining as a valid choice, they will be placed in that room and the room will be removed from everyone else's preference lists. This will be repeated until no residents can be assigned in this manner. In order of highest to lowest priority, each remaining resident will be tentatively assigned to their highest-ranked room that has not yet been assigned. Each room that is tentatively assigned will be tentatively removed from everyone else's preference lists. If the tentatively assigned room ends up not being vacated by its current resident, then the tentative assignment will be reversed and that room will be removed from consideration for the resident who was tentatively assigned to it. This process will be repeated until there is a stable assignment of all residents to rooms. Any pull-in requests will be resolved as they arise.
No resident will be assigned to a room they prefer less than their current room. No resident of a divided double whose roommate moves out of that room will be assigned to a room they prefer less than their preferred half of their current divided double. No resident will be pulled into a room they prefer less than any room they would otherwise have gotten.
The priority list will be readjusted as per §3.2 at the end of this period of room switching. Afterwards, newly assigned residents (if any) will choose from among the available rooms in a second period of room switching.
Room Reassignments at Other Times
Vacancies at other times
When a vacancy arises due to a resident moving out of Random at a time other than the end of the Fall or Spring semesters, the RAC will initiate a period of room switching and resolve the resulting moves in the same manner as for room switches at the end of each Fall semester (c.f. §5.1). If another vacancy arises while such a period of room switching is being resolved, the room will be made available for the same period of room switching, with residents being allowed to retroactively revise their submitted preferences if applicable.
Vacancies during the summer
If any vacancies arise due to one or many residents switching to a different dorm or cancelling their housing during the summer, the RAC will retroactively adjust the results of the previous period of room switching using the preferences collected at the end of the last Spring term.
9th or 10th term seniors denied housing
During the summer, if it becomes clear that residents who have applied for 9th or 10th term housing will not be granted housing (e.g. if new residents are assigned to Random such that there are not enough spots left for the prospective 9th or 10th term residents), the RAC will retroactively adjust the results of the previous period of room switching using the preferences collected at the end of the last Spring term.
New residents assigned after freshman temporary assignments have been made
As required by the MIT Housing Office, freshmen’s temporary room assignments (c.f. §7.1) cannot be changed after they are made. If there are new residents assigned to Random Hall after freshman temporary assignments have been made, these new residents will be given temporary rooms (which they can squat in if they so desire) to stay in until the freshman room selection process (§7.2). If they so desire, these new residents can choose new rooms (in order of priority) from among the vacant rooms and rooms temporarily occupied by freshmen or new residents in a special period of room switching preceding the freshman room selection process. Any pull-ins will be resolved as they arise. The priority list will be readjusted as per §3.2 at the end of this period of room switching.
Freshman Room Assignments
Temporary Freshman Room Assignments
Before each Fall term, the freshmen assigned to Random Hall in the Freshman Summer Housing Lottery will be assigned temporary rooms at the discretion of the RAC, based on their responses to the MIT Housing questionnaire. Two freshmen of different gender may be assigned to the same temporary room (i.e. a co-ed double) if they both indicate that they prefer a co-ed double. Freshmen assigned to temporary rooms in Random Hall do not have squatting rights to their temporary room.
Freshman Room Selection Process and Floor Rush
On the evening designated by MIT Housing, following the announcement of First Year Residence Exchange (FYRE) results, the freshmen assigned to Random Hall will assemble and the RAC will hold a brief informational meeting to explain the room assignment procedures and the rooms available to the freshmen. Following this meeting, the freshmen will be taken on a tour of the dorm to see all of the floors and to see the available types of rooms. There will be a period of at least 90 minutes during which freshmen may visit floors at will (“floor rush”). During floor rush, the RAC will be available to meet privately with freshmen who may have special circumstances (c.f. §7.5) and freshmen who wish to live in a co-ed double (c.f. §7.6). Following floor rush, the freshmen must assemble for the freshman room selection meeting, which is open to any Random Hall residents who wish to observe. The list of freshman priorities (c.f. §7.3) will be revealed. Freshmen who are pulled in by upperclassmen (c.f. §7.4) are assigned to rooms. In order of priority, each remaining freshman will choose their room from among the remaining available rooms. If a freshman selects an empty double or divided double, he/she may pull in another freshman as his/her roommate, provided the freshman being pulled in consents to the pull-in. This process continues until each freshman is assigned to a suitable room. At some point during the freshman room selection meeting, the RAC may need to announce that no more freshmen of a particular gender may choose rooms on co-ed floors, in order to ensure that there are suitable rooms remaining for all remaining unassigned freshmen. To this end, the RAC should keep a careful count of the number of remaining spots suitable for each gender, and the number of remaining unassigned freshmen of each gender, at all times throughout the freshman room selection meeting.
Freshman Priorities
Prior to the freshman room selection meeting, the freshman priority list will be generated by repeatedly randomly permuting the freshmen assigned to Random Hall until all freshmen with special circumstances (c.f. §7.5) have a suitable priority, or by any equivalent randomization process. The freshman priority list will not be revealed until immediately prior to the freshman room selection meeting.
After the freshman room selection meeting, the freshman priority list will be completely reversed. In other words, all freshmen who are assigned rooms during the room selection meeting (including those who are pulled in) will use priority.
Pull-ins of freshmen by upperclassmen
Upperclassmen who wish to pull in a freshman must be present at the freshman room selection meeting, or designate a proxy who will be present at the freshman room selection meeting. Such pull-in requests must be made in person at the beginning of the freshman room selection meeting. The freshman being pulled in must agree to be pulled in.
Freshmen with special circumstances
A freshman whose room choices are limited by special circumstances (including but not limited to medical, religious, or personal circumstances) should make the RAC aware of their situation prior to the freshman room selection meeting. The RAC will keep any such circumstances confidential unless the freshman gives the RAC permission to discuss them with the Head-of-House, GRTs, RLAD, or Judicial Committee. The RAC will determine the set of available rooms which the freshman with a special circumstance would be able to live in, and will determine the lowest possible priority that would guarantee that the freshman would be able to choose one of the suitable rooms. When determining the list of freshman priorities (c.f. §7.3), the RAC will ensure that the freshman with a special circumstance has no lower than that priority. This may be conditional on gender.
Freshman room adjustment period
At least one month after the freshman room selection process (preferably coinciding with the Columbus Day holiday, to facilitate moving), there will be a special period of room switching open only to freshmen and any upperclassmen who did not live in Random Hall during the previous Spring semester. During this period of room switching, eligible residents may express interest in moving to any rooms currently vacant or occupied by another such eligible resident. Moves will be resolved in order of priority. Any pull-ins will be resolved as they arise. The priority list will be readjusted as per §3.2 at the end of this period of room switching.
Special Circumstances and Emergency Moves
In the case that a new resident assigned to Random Hall has special circumstances (including but not limited to medical, religious, or personal circumstances) limiting the rooms in which that resident can live, or in the case that a current resident encounters a special circumstance which makes them temporarily or permanently unable to live in their current room assignment, the RAC will facilitate an emergency move. The resident will contact the RAC (either directly or through the MIT Housing Office, Head-of-House, RLAD, a GRT, or a member of the Judicial Committee) to explain their special circumstance, and the RAC will make every effort to ensure that a suitable room can be made available to the resident. If no suitable room is currently available, the RAC will contact the current occupants of any rooms suitable for the resident with a special circumstance and ask for volunteers to swap rooms with the resident. If there are no volunteers, the resident of such a suitable room with the lowest priority will be asked to swap rooms with the resident with a special circumstance. No resident may be involuntarily displaced from their room more than once during their tenure at Random Hall. In either case, the displaced resident will be compensated with an increase in priority for the duration of the swap, subject to the discretion of the RAC, and is guaranteed to be able to return to the room they were displaced from (if they so desire) when it next becomes available again.
Article VI: Changes to Bylaws
Changes, additions, or deletions to Article III or Article IV, Sections 1 and 2 of the Random Hall Bylaws shall be made by four of the seven voting members of ExecComm voting in favor of the change at an ExecComm meeting. Changes, additions, or deletions to any Subsection of Sections 3 or 4 of Article IV of the Random Hall Bylaws shall be made by the holder of the chairpersonship or appointments described by that Subsection of the Bylaws , subject to the approval of ExecComm. ExecComm may propose changes to any of these Subsections to the appropriate chairperson or appointee, who then may approve or reject these changes. The approval/rejection of any such approvals may be made by the chairperson or appointee in advance of a vote by ExecComm. Changes, additions, or deletions to Article V of the Random Hall Bylaws shall be made by the RAC, subject to the approval of ExecComm. Changes, additions, or deletions to Articles I, II, IV Section 5, or VI of the Random Hall Bylaws shall be made by a majority vote at a House Meeting.
Article VII: Ratification
These bylaws shall be adopted by a majority vote of ExecComm. This document shall supersede all previous versions of the Random Hall Bylaws.